
भारतीय फुटबाल

english articles, stories and books related to Bhaartiiy phuttbaal

Politics in Maharashtra, the third-largest state in India, has always been characterized by its dynamic nature, colorful personalities, and shifting alliances. Home to the bustling financial capital o

Two  events, two titles and a return to the top 100 in FIFA rankings. Nine games, which is one  further than what India played in all of 2022, in 26 days. Seven wins and two draws, seven clean  wastes

The origin of football in India can be traced back to mid-nineteenth century when the game was introduced by British soldiers. Initially, games were played between army teams. However, clubs were soon

Football, often referred to as "the beautiful game," holds a special place in the hearts of millions of Indians. While cricket has traditionally dominated the sporting landscape in India, football has