The popular Star Plus show Kasuta Zindagi, created by Balaji Telefilms, will finally face Mr. Bajaj (Karan Singh Grover) and inspiration (Erica Fernandes).
Yes, the front track will obviously be shown by Mr. Bajaj being separated from Anurag (Partha Samthan) and inspiration from his presence and mind games.
Well, we hear that the promo has been shot on big meetup before Bajaj and inspiration.
So what is it that will bring inspiration and Bajaj face-to-face?
We decided to consider a pole on the IWM ring at the same time.
So what will they bring their face to face?
Motivation comes to meet Mr. Bajaj to save Anurag's business
To tell the motivation about the deals made with Bajaj Kamolika, he will get
Bajaj will offer inspiration to marriage to save Anurag and Veena
Are you ready to cast your vote?
What do you think inspiration and Bajaj will face?
Get ready for the same !! And are you ready to cry, because it seems like the time has come for the separation of Love Birds Anurag and inspiration ....
Oh God!!
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