

20 सितम्बर 2022

8 बार देखा गया 8

Every woman likes to be proposed to, even if she means to refuse. At least,

until I’d racked up a couple of marriage offers myself, that’s what I believed.

Aged fifteen, I read of one thirtysomething who’d totted up five and was

happy to boast of it in a national newspaper. Then, I considered her lucky,

glamorous, popular with boys. Everything that I, as a teenager, wasn’t. (My

adolescence can be summarized by one incident in which I took a

gobstopper out of my mouth on a train. A man leaned forward in his seat and

said, “Oh! I thought you were deformed.”)

Years later, I realized that the proposal collector and I were a lot alike. You

have to be quite a twit to allow matters to escalate to the point where some

guy assumes you’ll agree to rely on him for your life’s entertainment when

you have no intention of doing any such thing. (No man pops the question

unless he is convinced of a yes. Which says not very much for the perception

and self-regard of quite a few men.)

I’m being harsh. If it happens once, it’s understandable. There are certain

men who need to get married, for whom the woman is almost incidental to

proceedings. The wife is the tedious yet necessary ingredient, similar to

yeast in bread. This sort of man fixes on his target rather like a pit bull, and

any girl who can’t run fast enough is at risk. Then it’s not her fault

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