
Me and myself quote

28 नवम्बर 2021

9 बार देखा गया 9

One things that I love about myself

Is that I'm a kind of person 

Who love to express 

lots of words with beautiful emotions

In some case when people got hurt

Whole night they stay on bed 

Just thinking about to take a revenge 

But in my case I too stay Whole night 

But with no intension to take revenge

Just wrote each pinchingwords in a blank paper

And next morning forgot about that incident

Thinking oneday god will  surely

 Try to learn my emotions and 

Come to this world to proof 

God is not  a stone 

He too have heart who cried when 

puresoul get hurt or pinch by devils

And oneday he will surely 

give a perfect example 

That "justice still exist". की अन्य किताबें

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