UP Board 10th 12th Original Marksheet: Hello Students, If you want to download the original mark sheet of UP board then in this article we have given all the details to download your mark-sheet online. Uttar Pradesh Medium Education Council (UPMSP) has uploaded the original Higher and Intermediate School Certificate on the official website. So if you also want to download it then follow the steps given below, you will be able to download the certificate and mark sheet very easily. Then direct link to verify your certificate and mark sheet is given below.
Uttar Pradesh Madhumik Shiksha Parishad has provided an excellent way to get the high and middle school board mark sheet for the exam. The original Mark sheet of Uttar Pradesh board can be downloaded via the below link. You can verify the certificate from 2003 to the current year. Previous students had to visit the board of education office to get his original mark sheet but now they can download it online without any problem. It’s available on the UP Madhymic Shiksha Parishad website, ie www.upmsp.edu.gov.in
UP बोर्ड का ओरिजिनल मार्क शीट अब ऑनलाइन डाउनलोड किया जा सकता है और ऐसा करने के लिए निचे डायरेक्ट लिंक दिया गया है. और साथ ही पूरा प्रोसेस भी बताया गया है कि कैसे इसका original mark-sheet ऑनलाइन डाउनलोड कर सकते हैं.
UP Board Original Marksheet डाउनलोड
The UPMSP conducted high school and intermediate exams in February and March. Every year, more than 10 lakh students appear in the exam and if you are one of then and want to download the original mark sheet then you can get it very easily as we have provided the direct link to download your result online. Here candidates can check their UP board result and can also download their UP board mark sheet. For class 10th and 12th, you can download your certificate online from the official website of up board.
Friends, it happens to many students that their original twelfth-grade mark sheet is lost. Now if you want to get it again you need to visit the office of up board. This is a very long process and money consuming too. So today we are going to tell you a trick through which you can get the original mark sheet online from home.
EXAM | 10th 12th EXAM |
OFFICIAL SITE | https://upmsp.edu.in/ |
UP board 10th 12th original mark sheet @ upmsp.edu.in
The Uttar Pradesh Prayagraj Secondary Education Council has provided the High School and Intermediate Board results since 2003 on the official website of the Uttar Pradesh Board. Now students can download it online without any problem. They need to visit the official site of up board and then enter the details and after that, they can download it very easily. Uttar Pradesh Board candidates can now verify their high school and middle school results from the admit card on the board’s website. The Uttar Pradesh High School Board has made this process transparent and online. Now all students can go to the official website of the UP board and download their high school and intermediate exam results with original mark sheet and certificate.
Uttar Pradesh Medium Education Council (UPMSP) provides free facility to download UP Board Marking Sheet online for each UP Board Allahabad High and Middle School students. This is really good news for all the students of up board. All the certificate is available to download from the official site from 2013.
How to download 12th original mark sheet:
- First of all, visit the UPMSP official website (link given below).
- Now click the download button on the mark sheet tab.
- Now select Intermediate and choose your passing year.
- Now enter your roll number and download your mark sheet.
How to download 10th original mark sheet:
- First of all, visit the UPMSP official website (link given below).
- Now click the download button on the mark sheet.
- Now select high school and choose your year of passing.
- Now enter your roll number and download your score sheet.
Right now you can download the original mark sheet from 2013 to 2018, click on the link below and submit the following details. your grade sheet will be downloaded in PDF.
माध्यमिक शिक्षा परिषद्, उत्तर प्रदेश, प्रयागराज हाईस्कूल एवं इण्टरमीडिएट स्तर की परीक्षाओं को संचालित करने वाली विश्व की एक सर्वौच्च संस्था है।
इस प्रगतिशील युग में नित नवीन तकनीक के उपयोग के बिना प्रगति की कल्पना भी नहीं की जा सकती है। माध्यमिक शिक्षा परिषद् द्वारा भी इसी पथ का अनुसरण करते हुए प्रथम बार अपने पारम्परिक परिवेश से बाहर निकल कर नवीन तकनीकी को अपनाते हुए शैक्षिक सत्र 2013-2014 से अग्रिम पंजीकरण की समस्त कार्यवाहियों को इस नवसृजित वेबसाइट के माध्यम से ऑनलाइन कराया गया, जो कि शतप्रतिशत सफल रहा था। इससे परिषदीय कार्यों की गुणवत्ता एवं विश्वसनीयता में आशातीत वृद्धि हुई। इस सफलता के लिये हम प्रदेश के समस्त शिक्षाधिकारियों एवं समस्त संस्थाओं के प्रधानाचार्यो आदि का विशेष आभार व्यक्त करते है।