To protect the interest of customers, Epson has conducted a raid on counterfeit ink manufacturing unitsin Mumbai. The company has recently increased its vigilance and action against manufacturers and dealers of counterfeit Epson Ink bottles. On the basis of the Epson vigilance team’s information, the Mumbai police raided the premises of a dealer in Jogeshwari, Mumbai on 5th March.
This dealer was involved in the manufacture and supply of counterfeit Epson Ink bottles in Mumbai and to other parts of the country. The manufacturer of the Epson counterfeit Ink bottles, Mauji Kamji Ora, was arrested and charged under the prevailing laws of the land with counterfeiting and violating intellectual property rights and subsequently remanded to judicial custody. About 1,000 packs of refilled ink bottles were seized along with other equipment, duplicate logos and stickers.....Read More
The Brand Book, the Bible of the Indian ICT industry (critical component to achieving success), takes into account the massive impact technology has on the consumer’s behaviour by taking recourse to aggressive market surveys to understand the buyer’s behaviour. I would like to extend my heart-felt thanks to all those who voted and especially to those who participated online via the social media platform and gave their feedback on the survey. The listing in the Brand Book is considered on the parameters which are based on high recall value, brand awareness, brand image and perception, brand performance and brand association. Epson raids multiple counterfeit ink under Make in india | My Brand Book | Indian IT Industry | First brand book On ICT industry | Free Computer magazine - My Brand Book | Indian IT Industry | First brand book On ICT industry | Free Computer magazine