
traffic problem

9 मार्च 2015

211 बार देखा गया 211
The basic objective of the present study was to identify such management measures that will lead to better traffic performance. We selected as a sample of study, the vijaynagar section at kanpur . SOLUTION- Wrong overtaking From the interview with the truck drivers it was found that wrong overtaking by drivers, especially car drivers, leads to accidents. According to these drivers, when a car overtakes a vehicle and encroaches into the safe distance maintained between two vehicles; often the truck driver has to suddenly decelerate his vehicle. In the process the truck driver or the driver of the following vehicle some time loses control and it often leads to an accident. All participants in the workshop were unanimous on wrong overtaking by vehicles. Strict action against the defaulters particularly by Traffic Police was suggested. In the light of Motor Vehicle Act in force, defaulters get penalty that is quite low. By paying paltry sum they get acquitted and it is not exemplary enough to keep them away from committing the same mistake. Driving under alcohol Use of alcohol by drivers while driving the vehicle is one of the root causes of accident. It has been observed in the survey that 83% of the truck drivers, while on long trip, consume alcohol and consequently drive in a reckless manner. About 35% of the drivers were observed not to be hesitant in admitting that they are regular users of alcohol. Some of them were of the opinion that it was very difficult for them to drive without taking alcohol. Majority of the drivers were of the view that after taking alcohol they do not feel tired. While driving in a drunken state is liable to punishment, drivers do not take it seriously as they know that police hardly take any stern step against this fault. Fatigue and physical fitness About 80% of truck drivers admitted that they drive on an average about 16 hours in a day when going on long trip. Such long hours of drive make them susceptible for accident especially in difficult weather conditions. Poor health, especially poor eyesight, is one of the most serious reasons behind the drivers committing fault. Most of the drivers admitted that they do not go through a thorough check of their medical fitness (heart disease, deafness, lunacy and night blindness) primarily because of financial reasons, although they understand its utility for their own safety. According to the study done by the Traffic Police 80% of the drivers have some health problem and about 60% have serious eyesight problems. By issuing driving license for period of 20 years, which is too long, and without any regular health check up the possibility of accident on the road increases. Untrained drivers Drivers are often illiterate or have very low level of education . They are improperly trained. Majority of the drivers (55%) had an educational status up to primary level. Truck drivers generally travel across the states. They often face the problem of language as they just have some knowledge of their mother tongue and most of the instructions on national highway are in local language and English. Driving is not learned in a formal school. Most of them learn while being a helper to the driver. According to them getting a permanent 22 driving license is not difficult even for the inadequately trained ones. Based on the observation of state transport officials, trained drivers not only save fuel but also drive more miles without accidents. Damaged road surface (e.g. pot-holes, etc.) specifically after rain, leads to vehicle breakdowns and accidents. These need maintenance. According to highway officials and RTO, overloading of trucks leads to road damage, vehicle breakdowns and hindrances to free flow of traffic. As per the standards, single axle trucks should not have load more than 10.2 tonnes but generally they are overloaded as much as 15 tonnes or even more. Strict checking and stern action against the defaulters appears to be the only way to stop this practice There is a high risk of accidents due to improper pruning of trees near pavements. So, timely removal of branches of trees that create problems on the highway is essential. Some officials felt that there is need for proper coordination between forest department and traffic police and other concerned agencies for the purpose. Over the past 15 years road widths have increased and trees have come quite near to the national highways. Cutting of the unwanted trees, tree branches and removal of suddenly fallen trees are the major activities of the Forest Department for smooth traffic flow on national highway. But due to paucity of funds and time consuming and intricate procedure in seeking permission, Forest Department is unable to do its activities properly. It is also not advisable to transfer its activities to some other department like traffic police as cutting of the trees needs skilled labourers.

Specifying a contact ID

9 मार्च 2015

The contact ID shown in these code examples is fictitious and won't work in your app. In your app, you'll need use a valid contact ID. Here are some examples of ways to get contact IDs to use in the path parameter: Use the contact ID of a contact. Get info about the currently signed-in user's co


traffic problem

9 मार्च 2015

The basic objective of the present study was to identify such management measures that will lead to better traffic performance. We selected as a sample of study, the vijaynagar section at kanpur . SOLUTION- Wrong overtaking From the interview with the truck drivers it was found that wrong o



11 मार्च 2015

शार्ली हेब्दों कार्टून-अभिव्यक्ति की स्वतंत्रता या धार्मिक भावना पर प्रहार

20 मार्च 2015

ये सच है कि कलाकार स्वतंत्रता की ज़मीन पर ही काम करता है उसके विचारों कि स्वतंत्रता ही उसकी वो जादुई तूलिका होती है जिसके माध्यम से वो अनेकानेक रचनाओं में रंग भरता है. कलाकार स्वतंत्र नहीं होगा तो किसी भी नयी रचना की सम्भावना भी नहीं रहेगी. विचारों कि जितनी स्वतंत्रता होती है, कल्पना कि उड़ान भी उतनी


शार्ली हेब्दों कार्टून-अभिव्यक्ति कि स्वतंत्रता या धार्मिक भावना पर प्रहार

20 मार्च 2015

ये सच है कि कलाकार स्वतंत्रता की ज़मीन पर ही काम करता है उसके विचारों कि स्वतंत्रता ही उसकी वो जादुई तूलिका होती है जिसके माध्यम से वो अनेकानेक रचनाओं में रंग भरता है. कलाकार स्वतंत्र नहीं होगा तो किसी भी नयी रचना की सम्भावना भी नहीं रहेगी. विचारों कि जितनी स्वतंत्रता होती है, कल्पना कि उड़ान भी उतनी


आदीवासी होना गुनाह नहीं.......

21 मार्च 2015

मेरा शहर केरल जिसे भारत के चुनिंदा शहरो में से एक स्थान दिया गया है,लेकिन जैसा दिखता है ,वैसा है नहीं| जी हाँ,राजनीतिक दल अपना वजूद बनाने के लिए कुछ भी कर सकते हैं,ये देखा गया ​है| कुछ आदिवासियों को अपने ही स्थान से यह कहकर हटा दिया गया कि , अगर आप अपनी भूमि देकर भारत के विकास में अपना हाथ बँटाए



22 मार्च 2015



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