Meaning of BE in English
- To exist actually, or in the world of fact; to have ex/stence.
- To exist in a certain manner or relation, -- whether as a reality or as a product of thought; to exist as the subject of a certain predicate, that is, as having a certain attribute, or as belonging to a certain sort, or as identical with what is specified, -- a word or words for the predicate being annexed; as, to be happy; to be here; to be large, or strong; to be an animal; to be a hero; to be a nonentity; three and two are five; annihilation is the cessation of existence; that is the man.
- To take place; to happen; as, the meeting was on Thursday.
- To signify; to represent or symbolize; to answer to.
- A prefix, originally the same word as by;
- To intensify the meaning; as, bespatter, bestir.
- To render an intransitive verb transitive; as, befall (to fall upon); bespeak (to speak for).
- To make the action of a verb particular or definite; as, beget (to get as offspring); beset (to set around).
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