

19 जून 2018

164 बार देखा गया 164
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निरंतर लगातार सांसो का तना बना

इसमें थोड़ा तन और थोड़ा मन का खजाना है

हंसती,रोती सूरत दोनों का मुक़्क़मल ज़माना है

दोस्तों ,हम सब के पास यही इक तराना है

तुम कहि दूर रहते हो, हम कही दूर फिर भी,

किस्से कहानी एक दूसरे को सुना ही लेते है

रेगिस्तान में , सावन की बदली से बरस जाते है

ये नग्मे आप के पास तो कभी हमारे पास

यू ही मिलने चले आते है


Psycho-Spiritual Counselling takes the Soul, rather than the Mind, as its starting point of balance. It has an expanded view of life, recognizing that the world is a complex mystery and it takes into account belief systems, universal & personal energy systems, intuitive psychic realities, karmic interplay, subconscious and super conscious states of awareness, metaphysical experiences, spiritual theology, spiritual presence and higher-self cosmic connections.

Spiritual counselling recognizes that the split between psychotherapy and spirituality in the West is a cultural, not a natural, phenomenon. It takes as its roots Trans personal Psychology, Spiritual Psychology, Humanistic Psychology, Psycho synthesis, and Person-Centered Counselling

Having awareness of a spiritual identity; – we are all more than our personalities and our problems.

Faith in Self; – that we have within us the wisdom to make the right choices.

Faith in potential; – that every situation has a potential for growth.

Faith in the journey; – that our lives have meaning.

Faith in Spirit; – that we are truly Spiritual Beings.


Blog – Spiritual Counseling

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