

hindi articles, stories and books related to healthcare

What is Homeopathy Medicine for Acute Osteomyelitis?Acute Osteomyelitis orsimply Osteomyelitis is an infection of the bones that is caused because ofsome uncertain bacterial growth. This infection is common in kids below the ageof five years because of not-so-strong bone strength and immunity to fig

Is there any medicine in homeopathy forGynecomastia? Whereit is critical to say if homeopathic medicines can cure the effect ofGynecomastia. It is also keen to understand that homeopathy can help limit thesymptoms of this disorder. Wondering how? Well, DR. Reckeweg R19 is themedicine that you requir

What is the Homeopathic Way to Treat an Ear Infection? Infectionsare very common thing these days. Especially after the decreasing air quality,the food we eat, and a lot of other factors. One such infection that has becomecommon primarily because of the over-use of earphones, headphones, etc. Notjus

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