Shabd Book -

Gyan ka Guldasta

Raj Kumar Dogra

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0 लोगों ने खरीदा
0 पाठक
15 फरवरी 2023 को पूर्ण की गई
ISBN : 9781647835651
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Electronics Engineer RK Dogra, after serving in the Air Force, came out and made a technical training center in which children were trained by M.P.T. (Multi-purpose Technicians) and made them self-supporting. Today some children (who are adults) have opened their Electronics / Electrical showrooms. Some are serving in companies, and some are working in outside countries. This Vanprasta Ashram (age 50 -75), the "waterfall of knowledge", which has been published by Notion Press, has been very popular in the society.Now, when you step into the Sannyas Ashram (75-100), this book, "The bouquet of knowledge" is in your hands and is very happy. I hope that this book will also live up to your hopes. Read more 

Gyan ka Guldasta


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