Shabd Book -


Kush Kaushik

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15 फरवरी 2023 को पूर्ण की गई
ISBN : 9781685233228
ये पुस्तक यहां भी उपलब्ध है Amazon

A part of royal history has been forgotten completely by the historians. This book, in the form of a novel, exposes the real and big incidents from the royal history of India which deserve more attention and respect.  This book is about 11th century during which the Ghajnavees invaded India and Afghan’s terror was at it’s peak. The Yadav’s dynasty stood up bravely against the invaders and fought many battles with the Afghans. One of the great battles named “Battle of Kanawar” is a great example in every aspect of war, strategy, bravery and importance of good communication during the time of war. The struggle, bravery and sacrifice shown by the Yadav’s dynasty had set a benchmark for all the royal dynasties established in India that time.  The story ‘Ran-Kanawar’ is filled with thrill, emotions, war strategies, conspiracies, diplomacy, bravery and sacrifices. The climax of this story will take you on a life-like journey through a war. Read more 

Ran Kanawar


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