

16 सितम्बर 2022

17 बार देखा गया 17


 Amazon is the world’s largest Book store where you can promote your book and create a
public profile for yourself.  


If you are an author then you already know how important
Amazon is and therefore this blog will help you a lot with something quite


You obviously know of social media profiles and how they
can help any author in creating a profile for the readers to visit.  


There is something, even more, better and direct on
Amazon which is called the Amazon author page.  




The Amazon author page is
basically an author’s profile page which contains everything about the author. 

You can think of it like the
author’s public profile which the author can use to showcase their work.  

If you need to know more about
the author’s page then you must understand what is the Amazon Author Central

We will get back to the amazon
author page shortly. 


This is basically a database where authors can create their
accounts and can do multiple things that will help them with their Amazon
author account.  

It is basically a place where you can customise the way in
which the reader loves to find your books.  

You can change everything from adding an editorial review
section, to creating chats with the readers, you can even track the different
book rankings including yours, you can also find out the book reviews and
respond to them. 

This is basically the place where you can do literally
everything including speaking engagement with your readers.  

Think of it like creating your own website but without the
hassles of an actual website.  


If you want to create your very own
author’s page then here are the tips for creating an Amazon Author page and you
will also know how to set up your Amazon author page. 

This will be very helpful for you
if you are a self-published author.  





There are a few simple things you can
follow if you want to create a good biography for your Amazon Author page and
one of the first tips would be to write in the first-person narrative. 


This will not only help you connect more
with the reader but will also help you make your biography look personal so
that the reader can connect more with you. 


You must also remember to properly
proofread your bio because it would be embarrassing to have an author’s bio
that has typing mistakes.  


Another important thing you must keep in
mind is that there is no harm to brag about your achievements but you must do
it in a way that looks humble and passionate.  




One of the important things you must do is
to link all your books to your Amazon Author page and make sure to verify the
book ownership with Amazon. 


To do this, you simply need to go to the
book’s tab in your Amazon Author Central account and simply click on the ‘add
more books’ option.  


Then you need to carefully search for your
book and you can use various parameters like the book title, ISBN etc.  


If you do this then this will keep
everything organised so that your readers might find it easy to find your work.




You have to be clever about your book
description because it is not simply a book description but a rather
intelligent way for book ranking.  


You must always keep in mind to include
keyword phrases in your book description which will allow the readers to simply
search for something and get your book in the result. 


This is not only cool but rather important
because this will directly determine the sales of your book. 


You can also make your book description
personalised with different attributes such as font size and bullet points and
much more and this will make your book description stand out from the rest. 





Editorial reviews are a fantastic way to
control the reviews of your book and you must never miss an opportunity to use


You can add any kind of review which might
include reviews from your friends and from early readers. 


This section is quite important because
this is directly situated on the books page and this will give you a free area
to market your book. 


The best thing about editorial reviews is
that you get to control the narrative and if you get to control the editorial
review then you get to show the potential reader what others think. 


While some might say that it is not ethical
but there is no question of ethics over here because if someone wants to find
out what readers feel then they can simply go to the review section at the
bottom of the Amazon page. 




You might have the misconception that the
Amazon Central page for the author is quite centralised and there is only one


That is the idea theoretically but it is
not like that in reality, let us explain this in a bit more detail. 


While you can of course have a single
Amazon author Central page but you must remember one thing and that is every
country has its own Amazon website. 


The best thing for you to do and the best
thing that popular authors to is to have Amazon author Central pages for every
language that their book is published in. 


Even if the book is published in English,
make sure to have different Author Central accounts for different countries. 


This makes sure that the Author Central page
is optimised for each country and that there is never a lost opportunity to
showcase your author account. 


These were a few of the important tips on how to create an
effective Amazon author page. We hope this blog has been helpful to you and we
also hope that you are successful as an author on Amazon. 


However, if you are a self-published author and you do not
know which publisher to choose to publish your masterpiece then we are here to
help you. 


We are Orange Publishers and we are the fastest growing self book
publishing house in India
and we will take care of everything from the
printing to the marketing as well as the creation of your Amazon Author Central

We have been in the book publishing game for decades and you
can trust us with one of the most seamless book publishing processes.   

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