Shabd Book -

Benaam Alfaaz

Tushar Paunikar

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0 लोगों ने खरीदा
0 पाठक
15 फरवरी 2023 को पूर्ण की गई
ISBN : 9798885916172
ये पुस्तक यहां भी उपलब्ध है Amazon

Life is a mystery, having many facets. Few of these are pleasant, while some are not so. And many of us get to see some entirely different aspects of life, those which are really difficult to describe. We feel them, we experience them, but we hardly can weave them into words. In this collection of poems, poet Tushar Paunikar 'Benaam', has tried to capture the essence of these indescribable facets of life. "Benaam Alfaaz" is divided into 3 almost equal sections: "Mohabbat hi Mohabbat" (Love, all along...), "Kuchh Qismat ki Adaavat" (Love, life, destiny, fate...) and "Kuchh Falsafe, kuchh Ibaadat" (Love, philosophy, and beyond...). This is the poet's first poetry collection and is quite fascinating to read. Read more 

Benaam Alfaaz


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