Shabd Book -

Mahavatar Stuti

Shri Bhagavatananda Guru

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14 फरवरी 2023 को पूर्ण की गई
ISBN : 9781636692968
ये पुस्तक यहां भी उपलब्ध है Amazon

Mahavatar Stuti is a short composition in 46 verses over the deeds and praising of Bhagawan Vishnu and his incarnations. Shri Tripuramba Shambhavi Maha Prapatti is a short praising of the Supreme Goddess Lalita Tripura Sundari. It belongs to the cult of Srividya. It is composed in 50 verses by His Holiness Shri Bhagavatananda Guru describing the importance of Sri Devi.  Read more 

Mahavatar Stuti


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