Shabd Book -


Shri Bhagavatananda Guru

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13 फरवरी 2023 को पूर्ण की गई
ISBN : 9798887171500
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Vishuddhopagam is an Upa-Agam under Nigrahagam. This is also known as Prana Vidya. This is based over the conversation between Nabhi Darshana Devi and Nigrahacharya. It consists of 180 shlokas (verses) and 10 adhikaras (chapters). Prasanga-Adhikara describes about the purpose of book and description of elements. Sthana-Adhikara tells about the position of Prana in body. Varna-Adhikara describes about the owner deity and appearances of Prana. Dharma-Adhikara tells about works related to Prana. Yajna-Adhikara tells about the method of Prana-Yajna. Aayama-Adhikara describes about method and types of Pranayam. Prakopa-Adhikara tells about the anomaly and disease causes by imbalance of Prana. Chakra-Adhikara describes about the powers and physical structure of elements with the combination of Prana and Chakra. Prana-Adhikara tells about the types of seven Prana, seven fires and seven samidha of universe. Moksha-Adhikara tells about the virtue of Prana and reason for extinction of Prana Vidya. Read more 



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