Shabd Book -

Mithila Ki Ranbhumi

Sunil Kumar 'bhanu'

0 अध्याय
0 लोगों ने खरीदा
0 पाठक
14 फरवरी 2023 को पूर्ण की गई
ISBN : 9798885469425
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The moment Mithila is discussed, it evolves into knowledgeble discourses. Military history prevails over intellectual history. Whereas Mithila has been a witness to more than one war. From its womb, one to one brave-warriors were born, who not only fought for the defense of the border of Mithila, but went to different regions of India and fought an unbeatable war for their friendly rulers. Hardly any historian has openly discussed the valor-saga of these Maithilis. The meaning of the battle fought by the Maithils in Mithila is limited to the Battle of Kandarpighat or the Battle of Baldibari. Maithil warriors have been completely marginalized in the writing of history, their valor saga is getting extinct from the memories of the society.This book is an attempt to bring to you the saga of bravery of those warriors. An attempt has been made to show the war history from Videha to Khandwala dynasty. This book will not only prove to be a document but also a complete encyclopedia of his mighty past for the discerning readers. Read more 

Mithila Ki Ranbhumi


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