Shabd Book -

The Dark Girl: A Mystery Novel

Prathmesh Yelne

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13 फरवरी 2023 को पूर्ण की गई
ISBN : 9798888491836
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The Dark Girl is a thriller about girl when she is in the dangers and a detective story about the unsolvable mysteries of girl.Sometimes the difference between a love story and a horror story is where the ending comes. A girl whose name is Savali is missing. Her sister, whose name is Saloni, starts stalking her sister, but there was no one to earn in her house except her and she also had a job, so she hires a detective, Aditya Sharma. Aditya searches for Savali and a lot of things come to the fore, what is the secret of Savali's disappearance? Will Aditya Sharma be able to find Savali? Read more 

The Dark Girl A Mystery Novel


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