
ग़ज़ल दर्द को दिल में छुपाना आ गया

22 जून 2018

154 बार देखा गया 154
Ghazal - --The pain came to be hidden in the heart. Stop tears smile .. It has happened to steal Ishq's chain of heart too. The dream is to be decorated in the nain and then the songs came to murmur. They came to know the difficulties of the road floor, and they also increased. Cutting the chest Himalaya came to excuse us in the Neer Ganga. Bid started to feel embarrassment of emotions. Now there is no time now, now I have lost my place. ---डॉ रंजना वर्मा

डॉ. रंजना वर्मा की अन्य किताबें

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