Shabd Book -


Shiv Kiran

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0 लोगों ने खरीदा
0 पाठक
13 फरवरी 2023 को पूर्ण की गई
ISBN : 9781649832290
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In these stories, this attempt to show the pain of love has been tried. Every time love remains one-sided and incomplete and falls at the wrong time, wrong age, or wrong person. The first word of each story is 'God' and the last word is 'But' which states that man asks God for his choice of happiness and happiness but God gives him the pain and sorrow of his choice. Each story is written in the words of the first man 'I' as if the story is taken from the pages of my diary and at the end of each story the main character ie the beautiful angel of death sleeps me in the comfort of his lap but still, The desire remains incomplete. The stories are divided into titles and subtitles so that you can easily access your favorite part. The stories are adorned with sears whose ghazals are given at the end. Read more 



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