Shabd Book -

han main majdur hun

Anika Arya

0 अध्याय
0 लोगों ने खरीदा
0 पाठक
13 फरवरी 2023 को पूर्ण की गई
ISBN : 9781639745425
ये पुस्तक यहां भी उपलब्ध है Amazon

They are struggling in their respective fields of wages. An attempt has been made to write in this collection of poems the life introduction of children, youth, women, old people, farmers and all types of laborers dependent on forest, their struggle. It has to be written with great guilt that many people even ridicule their sorrows, their compulsion is also called drama. I do not know that my writing will change their lives, I do not claim that. But yes these are the people who can never speak their mind. I am just a medium to be his voice. Yes, there is always hope that there should be a change in their life, especially those children who can never go to school, do different types of work to fill their stomach, they have to work. May their life also become accessible. Those women who work by making their children sleep in the scorching sun, they are not able to drink even milk in time, there should be some change in their life too. That elderly zinc age has to rest, he should rest, not work. Everyone, young and old, should be protected and respected.  Read more 

han main majdur hun


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