Piyush Goel, born on 10th February, 1967, Aquarian, belongs to a middle class family, elder son of Dr. Devender Kumar Goel and Ravikanta. He is Diploma Mechanical Engineering, Diploma in Vastu Shastr,. Creative, believe in God, believe in love & friendship.

Piyush Goel has written Bhagwad Gita in mirror image. Who was he motivated to take upon such an unique way? He says that in the year 2000 an accident changed his life. In 2003 there was a Katha organized on Shreemad Bhagwad Gita, he used to go daily two times, on the last day in the evening, an idea stuck into his mind, “why should I not start writing Shreemad Bhagwad Gita in mirror image?”, then he started writing in Hindi. After completing in Hindi, he started writing it in English too (all 18 Chapters, 700 Verses.)Piyush says, “It is the first Bhagwad Gita in the world written in mirror image. I wrote the epic in my own hand writing in two languages, Hindi and English. One can read all the 18 chapters and 700 verses in front of a mirror.” The feat certainly shows the will power of a man who put everything readable in front of a mirror. He says, “Since my childhood I had a strong desire to copy everything in front of a mirror. Though I was not sure to achieve this uncommon art, yet I did it.” He recalled how an accident had changed his life. I met with a serious accident in year 2000 and remained in bed for a long time. At that time I had developed this art, he reveals. Piyush Goel is now known as “Mirror Image Man”.
(वर्ल्ड रेकॉर्ड्स यूनिवर्सिटी द्वारा Honorable डॉक्ट्रेट डिग्री से सम्मानित पीयूष गोयल-for writing NeedleBook Madhushala)
He has Hand Written Mirror Image Books with Pen, Needle, Mehndi Cone, with iron nail, with fabric, cone liner, carbon paper, wooden pen and ink.
1. Mirror Imaged Shree Mad BhagvadGita (Pen)
Piyush Goel can write words in mirror image in two languages Hindi and English.
He has completed “World First Mirror Image Book Shreemad BhagvadGita”, all 18 chapters, 700 verses in two languages Hindi and English.Besides all of these he has completed “ShreeDurga Saptsatti” in Sanskrit Languages, ShreeSai Satcharitra in two languages Hindi and English,Sundar Kand (two times).
2. Needle Write Book “Madhushala”(Needle)
To read a book in front of a mirror ,reading then mirror very hard.People asked Piyush to read your mirror imaged books,mirror is necessary, he replied “Yes”
After a lot of thinking an idea stuck into his mind “Why should i not write a book with Needle.Then he started writing “Madhushala”,a book of Harbans Rai Bachchan,father of Amitabh Bachchan,Legend of Indian Cinema,now no need of Mirror.(Mirror image but no need of mirror).
3. Book “Gitanjali”written with Mehndi Cone(Mehdi Cone)
Piyush always think “DO SOMETHING NEW”,because of this thinking,he make a project and work on it.Whenever he has spare time and bring out the work at the end and this is the result of “Gitanjali”a book of Noble Literate Rabindra Nath Tagore,completed with the help of Mehndi Cone.
4. Book “PiyushVani” with the help of Iron Nail (Iron Nail)
Imagination and Creativity brings new things to the world, Piyush started writing “PiyushVani” one of his own published book, written on A-4 size Aluminium Sheet with the help of “Iron Nail”.(Mirror image but no need of mirror).
5. Book ‘Panchtantra”with the help of Carbon Paper (Carbon Paper)
Recently Piyush Goel completed “Vishnu Sharma”,s “Panchtantra” 5 tantras ,41 stories with the help of Carbon Paper,on one page both the words(mirror/non mirror) appeared in front and in the reverse.(Mirror image but no need of mirror).
From 2003 to 2015 Piyush Goel has completed 15 Spiritual and World Fame Books with his own hands in Mirror Image in Different Ways
- Shreemad Bhagvad Gita in Hindi Language
- Shreemad Bhagvad Gita in English Language
- Shree Durga Saptsatti in Sanskrit Language
- Shree Sai Satcharitra in Hindi Language
- Shree Sai Satcharitra in English Language
- Sunder Kand (2 times)
- Shree Ram Charit Manas (only Doha, Sorte and Chaupai)
- Madhushala of Late Harbans Rai Bachchan
- Gitanjali of Rabindra Nath Tagore
- Piyush Vani of Piyush Goel on Aluminium Sheet
- Piyush Vani of Piyush Goel on Transparent Sheet
- Panchtantra of Vishnu Sharma on A-4 White Paper
- Meri 51 Kavitain of Shri Atal Bihari Vajpayee on Magic Sheet with the help of Wooden Pen
- Chankya Niti
Recently Piyush Goel made an Amazing Things to the World “600 Caricatures in One Frame” of 36 by 23 inches White Paper,personalities are Narendra Modi, Amit Shah, Atal Bihari Vajpayee ,Chandra Shekar V.P.Singh, Mulayam Singh Yada, Mayawati, Soniya Gnadhi, Rahul Gandhi, Raj Nath Singh etc.
- भगवान श्रीकृष्ण, अर्जुन के ही सारथी नही थे वे तो पूरे विश्व के सारथी हैं, फिर डर किसका।
- वर्तमान की आवश्यकता भविष्य की निधि हैं।
- किसी भी कार्य के पर्याय बन जाओ प्रसिद्धि अवश्य मिल जाएगी।
- जीवन में लक्ष्य ज़रूर निर्धारित करो लक्ष्य मिलने पर आकर बड़ा कर दो।
- शरीर में जीतने छेद हैं सबसे गंदगी ही निकलती हैं इसमें मुँह का क्या दोष?
- प्रलोभन व्यक्ति को विचलित करता है।