Shabd Book -



0 अध्याय
0 लोगों ने खरीदा
0 पाठक
14 फरवरी 2023 को पूर्ण की गई
ISBN : 9781639748723
ये पुस्तक यहां भी उपलब्ध है Amazon

'Siyahii' is about a mental conflict. Every youth of the new generation knows this conflict. Sometimes he wants progress in life and sometimes peace. Sometimes, seeing his friends, he feels that he himself could not move forward and sometimes, he celebrates for friends. Sometimes, he carries the burden of his father's desires and sometimes, the sorrow of his unfulfilled dreams.  It is certain that you will find this conflict in 'Siyahi'. You will find some writings praising love, some afraid of love, some addicted to loneliness and some guilty of expectations. Read more 



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