Shabd Book -

Titali Hai Khamosh

Satywan Saurabh

0 अध्याय
0 लोगों ने खरीदा
0 पाठक
14 फरवरी 2023 को पूर्ण की गई
ISBN : 9798885308311
ये पुस्तक यहां भी उपलब्ध है Amazon

Doha is a verse of Tulsi and Jayasi, then also of Rahim and Raskhan and Vrinda and Bihari, but in reality, it is a verse of Kabir. In the 21st century, new couplets are knocking in the literary world, whose deep influence of Kabir can be seen on the language-style of couplets. Young poet Satyavan 'Saurabh' is one such promising couplet, who, through his creation, is proving the significance of the couplet verses. His newly-published collection of couplets 'Titli Hai Khamosh' is a testimony to this truth. Satyavan 'Saurabh', has got special success in couplet-writing. The subject variety of their couplets is easily visible. He has written on all subjects ranging from childhood, parents, home-family, relationships, family disintegration, changing environment and environment-pollution to cultural pollution.  The blind race of development has snatched away the childhood of the children, the happiness and peace of the family, and the brotherhood of the village and the countryside. This collection of couplets of Satyavan 'Saurabh' is full of some aap beeti and some jagbiti. It would not be an exaggeration if it is said to be a poem communicating with the present time. The couplets of Satyavan 'Saurabh''s collection "Titli Hai Khamosh" are a living depiction of today's social environment needs and feelings of the people. The young couplet has touched every aspect of life in his couplets. With easy and simple language, the surface of the couplets of this work is very wide. Read more 

Titali Hai Khamosh


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