Shabd Book -

Main Steve, Mera Jeewan Meri Jubani (Hindi)

Steve Jobs

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23 फरवरी 2023 को पूर्ण की गई
ISBN : 9789350722381
ये पुस्तक यहां भी उपलब्ध है Amazon

About the Book: I, Steve: Steve Jobs in His Own Words People say you are, the enthusiasm for him to be in your mind and it is absolutely true. And this is why it is so hard that if you do not, any thoughtful person would leave it in the rapture. It is really very difficult and you have to do for a long time. So if you do not like it, you are not happy when you really do not like it, and you will leave. And in fact this is what happens with many keep stable. And did not like it, they left because theyre smart, right? Who will bear the task, which he does not like. About the Authors: Steve Jobs, George Beahm, Neeru Apple Inc. co - founder and longtime CEO Steve Jobs October 5, 2011 and was lost to history with him one of the greatest and most transformational business career has come to an end. During these years, countless interviews to the media paid jobs, in which The Vision Thing, which he always spoke, explained. The Vision Thing his great vision and his ability to bring to market a product that was successfully drawn towards which people just came. Three decades of print, electronic and on - line drawn on the media in their coverage of the book by Steve Jobs expressed great ideas and express their view that the most stirring. More than two hundred jobs are being given the expressions of the great personality of each person wishing to obtain innovative inspiration must have readable. Read more 

Main Steve Mera Jeewan Meri Jubani Hindi


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