I may be the Next Target of This Heroic Act -- No answers of the burning issues of the common man--Just the opposite , just to divide and unethically and illegitimately spreading the conflicts that should keep on brewing for their entertainment .--So Pathetic
===============अभय ===================
असली मुद्दों की लड़ाई के लिए जनजीवन को एकजुट कर एक लंबे संघर्ष से ही शोषण से मुक्ति मिल सकती है
-समझें और सामझाएं ------ पहल करें ------पहिये का रुख बदलने का
मुश्किल है ------------नामुमकिन तो नही
जागो, मेरे भाई जागो Join: Jago, Mere Bhai Jago
शामिल हों : बदलाव की लड़ाई और तमन्ना
शामिल हों :रुके नही कदम , अब जागे हैं हम ( Unstoppable Struggle To Change The System )
शामिल हों : एक दिशा या राह ----Ek disha ya raah
The man looks dazed and miserable, his knees splayed and one of his pants legs pulled up. Tied to his chest is a piece of paper, on which his name is scrawled. “Look at the fate of the stone-pelter,” a soldier announced over a loudspeaker .
General Rawat assured Ms. Mufti that military officials would take action against those who tied Mr. Dar to the jeep, according to The Press Trust of India.
“No one is condoning the incident,” said Col. Rajesh Kalia, an army spokesman. NY Times 4 /16 /17
It must be pointed out that it is a war crime under the Geneva Conventions to use civilians or prisoners of war as human shields, and was criminalized because the German Nazi army and the Japanese Imperial army used this tactic during World War II.---Counter Current.Org -4/20/17
Dar, a resident of Chil village in Beerwah sub-district, who earlier said he was "thrashed severely with gun butts and wooden sticks and in an almost unconscious state tied to the front of the jeep and paraded", He told Telegraph: "If his son faces a similar treatment at the hands of the officer, I would see whether he will still reward him."---huffingtonpost.in/2017/05/23-
"Cases … reveal that there is a policy not to genuinely investigate or prosecute the armed forces for human rights violations. On the contrary, alleged perpetrators of crimes are awarded, rewarded and promoted," the report's authors said in a press statement. The report is published by the International People's Tribunal on Human Rights and Justice in Indian-administered Kashmir along with the Association of Parents of Disappeared Person.--theguardian--2012/dec/06
Air Marshal (Retd.) Anil Chopra, who is a serving member of the Lucknow bench of the Armed Forces Tribunal (AFT) --- a highly decorated retired air force officer – took to Twitter to advocate that a hundred “stone-pelters” in Kashmir be shot.--- defencenews--Tuesday, April 18, 2017
"The truth is I am an unlucky honest man, that speak my sentiments to all and with emphasis. I say this to you because you know it and will not charge me with vanity. I hate Congress—I hate the army—I hate the world—I hate myself. The whole is a mass of fools and knaves; I could almost except you and Meade. Adieu " -------- A Hamilton---From Alexander Hamilton to Lieutenant Colonel John Laurens, [12 September 1780]
To Lieutenant Colonel John Laurens
[New Bridge, New Jersey, September 12, 1780
“In Vietnam, our soldiers came back and they were reviled as baby killers, in shame and humiliation. It isn’t happening now, but I will tell you, there has never been an [American] army as violent and murderous as our army has been in Iraq.” —Seymour Hersh
“My uncle killed by sniper in WW2. We were taught snipers were cowards. Will shoot u in the back. Snipers aren’t heroes. And invaders r worse.”—
“THE United States now has a mercenary army. To be sure, our soldiers are hired from within the citizenry, unlike the hated Hessians whom George III recruited to fight against the American Revolutionaries. But like those Hessians, today’s volunteers sign up for some mighty dangerous work largely for wages and benefits….”
“(It’s) very difficult to talk about the war dead and the fallen without invoking valor, without invoking the words ‘heroes.’ I feel … uncomfortable about the word hero because it seems to me that it is so rhetorically proximate to justifications for more war.” —Chris Hayes
No teenager gives up her vampire/Highlander/Kardashian fantasies thinking: I totally want to fall in love with someone who will take me to a rural location, leave me for months at a time and risk his life regularly for a modest paycheck and decent benefits. Sexy!!! When it comes to building a life with someone in the military, you either get over it, get through it, or get out of it.---spousebuz 2013/09