Shabd Book -


Rina Choudhary

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0 लोगों ने खरीदा
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14 फरवरी 2023 को पूर्ण की गई
ISBN : 9798885212632
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Life is created by events and feelings are also born out of these events. The incidents are happening constantly all around us. Some incidents are general in nature which gets faded with passage of time while some incidents compel us to think. I have put those thoughts and ideas into words which are compelling to think and have presented them before you with "Vividha". Vividha means cutting edge on different subjects. The creations will make you look closer to you or will force you to think. From the emotional situation created in personal life to the turmoil on the border of the country, from the upliftment of women in the society to the oppression of women, my writings have quoted my thoughts on many aspects of social and political upheaval. Read more 



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